Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Lens of Chance

1. The enemies will have a random chance of dropping health
The damage dealt by the guns will feel random because each gun has a hierarchy based on the different types of guns and upgrades.
The enemies would feel random because they are triggered un-knowingly by the player.

2. The feelings given would be positive for the health because you need health periodically throughout the level. The spawning of enemies could possibly feel hopeless if you aren't doing well but there is always a way of defeating them.

3. We need to experiment and test to determine the best possible combination of distribution will work for our game

4. Capturing the fairies could cause other fairies to get hit and when they are under the net you have to go among the other enemies to gather the fairy.

5. The majority of our game is based on skill. You have to time jumps just right to get over certain obstacles. Also the game allows you to sell fairies at the end of each level for money used in upgrades. So, you have to decide whether to keep them or sell them. There are many other skill based parts of our game that will be explained at a later date.

Lens of Reward

1. After you defeat each boss at the end of the level you get a new elemental gun. This is beneficial if you know which element to use it against. You also earn money for each fairy captured. The money or points are used to gain upgrades for your guns, health, armor etc.

2. We haven't had the chance to play the game and it's possible that we would want to add more rewards to the game to try and make it more exciting for the player, but for what we have we find it exciting because you want the upgrades to increase your 'power.'

3. The only regular reward would be health dropped by the killed enemies. This is random so I would be said that it depends. But the major rewards are given only at the end of each level when you gain the Big Weapon or buy the upgrades.

4. There is the aspect of upgrading which stacks on one another and then the weapons. They are only gained after you defeat the big boss of each level.

5. This is an aspect that we need to look at more.

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